Oiselle: You had such a fun theme/idea behind this collection, can you speak to the inspiration?
Kara: I had been watching a lot of Yellowstone with my husband and we had watched Longmire as a family. I’ve always loved the idea of living off your property, I had always just imagined it in Minnesota, but watching these shows made me crave wide open spaces, western attire and ranch life. The idea that could wake up everyday and look at skylines and property that stretches for miles and your job is to work the property and it provides for you. Basically a romanticized version of what is a very difficult life!
O: You've worked on quite a few collections and styles with us, did anything feel different with this one?
Kara: I feel like I had a lot more say this go around. I sent a ton of pictures to the design team and we all talked about ideas. Obviously we weren’t going to make chaps, but what could we do to get a subtle western feel while staying true to Oiselle? I loved the idea of pants with detail, hints of the ranch lifestyle in design, barn coats – and that’s really how it started to take shape.