Expert designer Kami has shared her experience of designing for sizes 16-26, and we wanted to hear from one of her wear-testers as well! Luckily Rachel Barsness (size 20/22) captured some photos and feelings while she was testing her gear out - enjoy her insights!

"It's been really fun to test things out, and I'm happy I can help with such an important project. Other tidbits about myself other than running: I love reading, watching tv, traveling (on hold for now, of course), my cats, baseball, and photography. As for running, one of my lifetime goals is to run a race in every state (I'm currently at 11/50), and I'm planning on running my first ultra (likely a 50K) next spring."

Flyout Short Sleeve - "I've worn this one a bunch of times now, and I love how lightweight and comfortable it is. Even when it gets really sweaty, it doesn't stick to my skin, which can be an issue with other shirts."

Flyout Long Sleeve - "I wear this shirt ALL the time! It’s become my winter go-to, and the first time I wore it, for a short charity run before my friend’s wedding in Montana, my friends were so amazed at the watch hole and thumb holes and material that one of them went on the website and bought a few for herself. 😊 It’s super comfortable, dries quickly, and the fit is perfect."

Vim Jacket - "This came in super handy the day I got it from you because I was going to a track workout and it had started raining suddenly! I've worn it several times now, and it's really comfortable and lightweight. I really like the cuff at the wrist, it's just tight enough, and a great length.

Vigor Vest - "I wore this for my most recent marathon, and it was perfect! It wasn't rainy, just cold and windy, and the vest helped keep my core protected, plus I stored extra snacks and Nuun in the pockets."'(Please note the Vim Jacket and Vigor Vest in extended sizes will be available this fall)

Long Roga Shorts - "These are so comfy, but I'll admit I was really skeptical that I was actually going to be able to wear them running without them riding up between my legs the whole time. I tested them out on the treadmill at the gym, and though I did have to adjust them down once in the first couple of minutes, for the rest of my run (about half an hour), they stayed put!"

"Also, it was fun being included in the 'what are you wearing' conversations - so many of my running friends wear Oiselle and I used to tune out of their conversations about their favorite pieces because it didn't apply to me. Now I can join in and share my own recommendations! After the trip, I wore the blue long sleeve flyout top with the watch cut-out, and at least one of my friends went and bought a couple for herself. After years of being relegated to only specialty stores or low-quality fast-fashion, it's wonderful to feel included by quality brands that I've always wanted to wear and support."

-Rachel Barsness

Rachel Barsness
Tagged: style


Is this for real? Are plus sizes coming? Can’t wait. Need any more testers? I’m here for you! 😊🙏😊

— Erica

Wonderful! I’ve loved hearing about your wear-testing experience, and I’m about to go buy my first Flyout Long-Sleeve shirt right now. :D

— Jen Dana-Farley