Finding Normalcy in Abnormal Times
The last few days have been anything but normal. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and the world has turned topsy-turvy. Our social gatherings, school, competitions, and work have been cancelled in favor of embracing “social distancing” and “self-quarantine”- foreign words to us just a short week ago.
The State of the Athlete Sponsorship with Lauren
Sally Bergesen, Lauren Fleshman, and Sarah Lesko sat down in-studio to catch up on the state of sponsorships in the world of Track and Field.
Who Is... KO
This week, we're profiling our very own retail operations manager, Kristina Owsinski, otherwise known as KO (knock out).
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Today is #BellLetsTalkDay, an initiative “dedicated to moving mental health forward in Canada." It promotes awareness and action with a strategy built on four key pillars: fighting the stigma, improving access to care, supporting world-class research and leading by example in workplace mental health.
The Fleshman Factor, and Breaking the Mold in Athlete Sponsorships
Pro athlete sponsorship isn't new. But Oiselle's approach has always been different.
Who Is... Jen Morgan
This week we're featuring Jen Morgan, a local Seattle Volée member. In fact, Jen *just* joined our Volée team this past summer. Here's her story on all things running, sports, cats and how at 43 she finally feels like she's found a place of belonging. Jen's story made me laugh, swoon and quite frankly I'd love an opportunity to run with Jen.
The State of the Sport with Kara and Sally
In 2014, Oiselle signed Olympian and pro runner Kara Goucher as a sponsored athlete for Oiselle - and that relationship continues today. Join us for a multi-part conversastion as Kara and Sally discuss the current state of the sport.
Who Is... Lilsheba
Ever wonder who’s behind all those witty social comments on our Oiselle social media? Meet Rebecca, otherwise known as Lilsheba, a nickname that’s followed her since high school, talk about longevity. Rebecca is a master with the written word. Her wit, care factor, and love of Oiselle and the sport of track and field comes through in 280 characters or less, which in itself is amazing.
Superheroes and Superpowers
It’s been very exciting for me, in my work with Oiselle over the last nine years, to have more and more opportunities to meet people I formerly would have put in the “superhero” category.
Dear Younger Lauren
Oiselle is honored to reprint Lauren's letter, "Dear Younger Me," originally published by Milesplit in 2017. This message can never be said enough.
Salute to Kara Goucher
It’s been quite a month ... actually, more like five years for Kara Goucher. When we met her in early 2014, Kara had already begun testifying against illegal practices she observed during her time at the Nike Oregon Project (NOP). We knew it weighed on her. All the time.