No way around it, the 26.2 is a big deal. It’s a long way. And it’s a lot of work.
"What do I wear for the marathon?" is a big question. And while Oiselle has a FULL line of tops, bottoms, bras, accessories, there are definitely those winning styles that the experienced marathoners reach for again and again.
If any of you have spectated a race with Kara Goucher, or listened to her commentating one, you know what a wealth of knowledge and insight she has. We didn’t want to pass up on this opportunity to get her inside view on all things Trials (and reminisce just a bit about 2016). We know you’ll enjoy this inside scoop from Kara!
Oiselle OTQ Racers by the Numbers
This is it! The U.S. Olympic Team Marathon Trials are officially around the corner. Whether you cheer with us in Atlanta or in your hometown, we're beyond proud of all our qualifiers. Get to know a little about each woman here, and enjoy below some fun stats and numbers on all our racers as a group.
Oiselle OTQ Marathoners: Countdown to Atlanta
Every woman is different. And her shorts? Same. Without further ado, we’d like you to meet the rising stars in our 2020 shorts constellation.
The State of the Athlete Sponsorship with Lauren
Sally Bergesen, Lauren Fleshman, and Sarah Lesko sat down in-studio to catch up on the state of sponsorships in the world of Track and Field.
Who Is... KO
This week, we're profiling our very own retail operations manager, Kristina Owsinski, otherwise known as KO (knock out).
New Shorts on the Block
Every woman is different. And her shorts? Same. Without further ado, we’d like you to meet the rising stars in our 2020 shorts constellation.
Allie Kieffer: Thriving in Austin
Last week, Lesko and I jumped on the phone with Allie Kieffer (who’s now living and training in Austin, Texas), to get her lay of the land for the upcoming Olympic Trials.
Olympic Trials Marathon Prep
With the U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Marathon around the corner, we thought we’d check in on five of our Haute Volée and see how they stay on top of their training despite their 9-5 and family obligations.
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Today is #BellLetsTalkDay, an initiative “dedicated to moving mental health forward in Canada." It promotes awareness and action with a strategy built on four key pillars: fighting the stigma, improving access to care, supporting world-class research and leading by example in workplace mental health.
Taking a Risk and Finding my Joy
No matter how fast of a runner we are, we are all working toward a personal goal. That might be to complete a new distance, to run a faster time, to be held accountable and consistent in training, to train with less chance of injury, to fuel properly, to add in cross training, to recover well, or to balance a work and personal life with training. No matter the reason, a coach can help.
Throughout the year, we'll be looking at The Movement via three lenses: THE HISTORICAL, THE PHYSICAL, and THE INTERSECTIONAL.