Who Is... Lilsheba
Ever wonder who’s behind all those witty social comments on our Oiselle social media? Meet Rebecca, otherwise known as Lilsheba, a nickname that’s followed her since high school, talk about longevity. Rebecca is a master with the written word. Her wit, care factor, and love of Oiselle and the sport of track and field comes through in 280 characters or less, which in itself is amazing.
2019 Nest Faves
So whether you're shopping for yourself or your loved ones this season, we put together a list of our season's favorites. Styles we simply cannot live without, I kid you not. The only time some of these styles come off our bodies is to go in the wash.
Superheroes and Superpowers
It’s been very exciting for me, in my work with Oiselle over the last nine years, to have more and more opportunities to meet people I formerly would have put in the “superhero” category.
From Burning Up to Burned Out
A few days after I returned to Bend, I felt like the wind had been knocked out of my sails. I was suddenly struggling to get out of bed in the morning after nights of poor sleep. Practice was no longer as exciting as it once was.
10 Warning Signs in the Athlete-Coach Relationship
A coach might be one of the first relationships a young person has outside of their immediate family. And sometimes we know very little about their qualifications or skills, or even what to look for if we sense something is wrong. Understanding warning signs in these relationships can be very helpful in terms of stopping abuse before it starts.
Here's to Showing Up
I’d been dreaming and working towards a sub-4 hour marathon for two years. I’d already had three unsuccessful attempts, including a 4:01 finish at the 2018 NYC Marathon. And even though I was frustrated it was taking so long, I refused to give up on that goal.
Love Your Legs... Our Top 5 Tights
Nothing tells us we’ve nailed a design for the season more than your love and feedback. So when Sally asked for my low down on tights, I knew immediately who I wanted to ask and why. You!
Dear Younger Lauren
Oiselle is honored to reprint Lauren's letter, "Dear Younger Me," originally published by Milesplit in 2017. This message can never be said enough.
7 Myths of Women Distance Running
This week’s Mary Cain story reminds us that there are still too many myths about what it takes to be a good distance runner, especially for girls and women. Here are seven of the most common myths about girls’ and women’s running.
PNTF XC Champs
Most people think that cross country is reserved for school sports. But we're here to proclaim from the mountain tops that the recently graduated, new runners, back of the pack, front of the pack, badass masters runners (basically any runner) can still join in on the xc season.
Sally's NYC Marathon Recap
The Nest got a little NYC Marathon shenans update from Boss Bird Sally, and it was too good to keep to ourselves. Enjoy a little recap action!
Oiselle X NYC
It’s a special time of year! The Birds are coming to NYC and there is so much to do! There are loads of Nesters, Haute Volée, and Volée running and cheering; it's bound to be an amazing weekend.