The Art of the Pacer

The Art of the Pacer

Marathoner Allie Kieffer was excited to be at the start line of a marathon again, but this one had a twist! Instead of focusing on her race and pacing, Allie's purpose was to help other women get the Olympic Games standard.
Hannah Calvert
The Fleshman Factor, and Breaking the Mold in Athlete Sponsorships

The Fleshman Factor, and Breaking the Mold in Athlete Sponsorships

Pro athlete sponsorship isn't new. But Oiselle's approach has always been different.
Hannah Calvert
Collaboration Over Competition

Collaboration Over Competition

The collaborative effort behind what ultimately led to my race in Minnesota is something I do not take for granted. There were a lot of people who checked in, showed up, and led by example for me this year - all of which amplifies my ability to continue believing in and showing up for myself.
Alisoune Lee
Best Running Friends

Best Running Friends

Do you have a best running friend? You’ll know when you find one.
Hannah Calvert
Oiselle in 2020

Oiselle in 2020

There’s something undeniably powerful about the four-year sports cycle that revolves around the Olympics. Plus, we hear there’s a big election approaching. At Oiselle, we’re jumping into 2020 tucked into a cannonball position, ready to make a noisy and far-reaching splash. What’s cooking for 2020? Below is a starter list – and we hope to see you at any and all!
Sarah Lesko
Volée Highlights of 2019

Volée Highlights of 2019

2019 was certainly another BIG year for the team! There were so many fun moments, events and races that we couldn’t pick just we snuck in a bonus and trust us, it’s a biggie.
Hannah Calvert
Top HV Moments of 2019

Top HV Moments of 2019

As we head into the Olympic year, we want to celebrate all that our Haute Volée accomplished this year. These are just a few of my favorite HV moments of 2019…please call out your faves too.
Hannah Calvert
Running On Fumes

Running On Fumes

How do you know if you’re simply stressed or burnt out? When you’re stressed, you feel like once things are under control everything will be better. With burnout, nothing is enough. You feel overworked and undervalued.
Alisoune Lee
Who Is... Jen Morgan

Who Is... Jen Morgan

This week we're featuring Jen Morgan, a local Seattle Volée member. In fact, Jen *just* joined our Volée team this past summer. Here's her story on all things running, sports, cats and how at 43 she finally feels like she's found a place of belonging. Jen's story made me laugh, swoon and quite frankly I'd love an opportunity to run with Jen.
Alisoune Lee
Re-Stoking the Fire

Re-Stoking the Fire

Carrie was proof to me that you have to run when your fire burns bright, when joy permeates from every step, and, most importantly, when you aren’t doing it to prove anything to anyone...except yourself.
Alisoune Lee
Littlewing Gift Guide

Littlewing Gift Guide

You know the rad women of @runlittlewing got you covered when it comes to gifting. Hear from the fierce flyers in Bend on their favorite #flystyle for the holiday season!
Alisoune Lee
The State of the Sport with Kara and Sally

The State of the Sport with Kara and Sally

In 2014, Oiselle signed Olympian and pro runner Kara Goucher as a sponsored athlete for Oiselle - and that relationship continues today. Join us for a multi-part conversastion as Kara and Sally discuss the current state of the sport.
Hannah Calvert